
Trump Trounces Biden, Surges Ahead in Key States Despite Left’s Schemes

In a surprising turn of events, former President Donald Trump is gaining even more traction as he potentially gears up for another run in 2024. Even though the left has been desperately attempting to tarnish Trump’s reputation, new polling data from CNN released on Monday reveals that Trump is actually leading President Joe Biden in crucial battleground states that are pivotal for any 2024 rematch.

According to The Hill, the polling data shows Trump with a commanding 10-point lead over Biden in Michigan, a state that Biden secured in the 2020 election. Additionally, in Georgia, Trump is leading with 49% of the support, while Biden is trailing at 44%. This is surprising considering Biden’s narrow victory in Georgia during the 2020 election.

But wait, there’s more! Just when the left thought they had thrown enough roadblocks in Trump’s way, along comes special counsel Jack Smith, attempting to stir up trouble for the former president. Smith is seeking to expedite a review by the Supreme Court to determine whether a former president can face prosecution for actions taken while in office. Talk about a desperate move!

The Supreme Court has agreed to consider Smith’s request and has ordered Trump’s legal team to respond by Dec. 20. Should the court decide to proceed, oral arguments will likely take place in early 2024. Smith is clearly not willing to accept defeat and is pulling out all the stops to derail Trump’s potential comeback.

Of course, Trump’s camp wasted no time in blasting Smith for this maneuver, labeling it as a politically motivated scheme to interfere with the 2024 presidential election and prevent Trump from reclaiming the Oval Office. They have made it abundantly clear that they believe Smith’s actions are a desperate attempt to injure Trump and his millions of supporters.

While this may seem like a setback for Trump, it could also serve as an opportunity for him to expedite the resolution of the case. Who knows, Trump’s uncanny ability to turn adversity into advantage might just come into play once again, leaving Smith with regrets as Trump emerges unscathed.

So, in the words of the famous roadrunner, “Beep, beep,” as Trump speeds through the obstacles in his way, leaving his opponents in the dust. Looks like the left will have to try much harder if they want to slow down the Trump train!

Written by Staff Reports

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