
Trump’s 2024 Campaign Surges Ahead of 2020 Pace, Harris Struggles to Connect with Voters

Trump’s 2024 campaign appears to be off to a flying start, leaving many wondering what kind of magic he conjured to pull ahead of where he stood during the last election cycle. According to political pollster Matt Towery, he might just be reading the tea leaves right, especially when he claimed that Trump is “way ahead” of his 2020 standing. If that doesn’t send shivers down the spines of the left, nothing will.

In a recent chat with the ever-astute Laura Ingraham on Fox News, Towery predicted the inevitable panic that will soon engulf the left-wing media as they worry that Kamala Harris is gaining momentum in the polls. It’s classic deflection—projecting confidence that is as thin as the paper it’s printed on. It’s hard to believe anyone would truly think Harris could come close to challenging Trump, yet the left has never been shy about creating narratives with little to no basis in reality.

Towery pointed out that while the media may inflate Harris’s chances of victory, they can’t ignore that polling tells a different story. In fact, nationwide and in key battleground states, Trump’s numbers paint a much brighter picture for the GOP faithful. With nearly all polls indicating the races are tighter than a drum, it seems certain states that once felt solidly blue are now swinging toward Trump faster than a piñata at a Fifth of May celebration.

Specifically, Towery highlights Pennsylvania as a swing state that should send alarm bells ringing in Harris’s camp. The Keystone State is defined by its fracking industry, an economic powerhouse that Kamala Harris seems intent on sabotaging with her past statements advocating for a fracking ban. This flip-flop on energy policy is bound to confuse voters who prefer their jobs and lower energy costs to ambiguous political rhetoric. 


In this high-stakes game, voters in Pennsylvania are acutely aware that Harris’s allegiance is muddied, and her failure to support fracking openly could be a dealbreaker. Whatever dubious tactics Harris adopts to wrangle votes might amount to little more than smoke and mirrors. That still leaves the door wide open for Trump to showcase how he differs from Biden and Harris—who both appear to enjoy the sound of their own voices without any commitment to the truth.

Polls from various organizations like Monmouth University and Marist have illustrated how tight the competition is between Trump and Harris. With a near tie in Pennsylvania at 49 percent, it’s evident that this race could come down to just a handful of voters. Such a razor-thin margin indicates that, unless the Democrats can start connecting with constituents in the heartland, they might just be waving goodbye to the White House once again.

Written by Staff Reports

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