
Trump’s Powerful 2024 Comeback: Border and Economy at the Forefront!

Donald Trump’s top priorities for his 2024 campaign are addressing the border crisis and the struggling economy caused by President Joe Biden, according to an interview with Breitbart editors Alex Marlow and John Carney on Fox Business. In the wide-ranging interview, Trump emphasized his concerns about being silenced and the role of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in the chaos of January 6. Marlow and Carney also discussed Trump’s belief that Special Counsel Jack Smith is “losing momentum” and engaging in unethical tactics. They argued that the backlash against Smith’s actions has bolstered Trump’s standing in the 2024 polls.

Marlow expressed his initial pessimism about Republicans’ chances of regaining the White House, but he now believes that Trump has the advantage. However, he cautioned about the potential impact of big tech manipulation and Democrat lawfare tactics on the election outcome. Trump has also criticized Bidenomics and the administration’s economic policies, which he believes are causing a decline in popularity. Carney pointed out that Biden’s economic approval rating is at around 33 percent, lower than his overall popularity rating. The interview also touched on Trump’s belief that Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell could assist Biden’s reelection bid by influencing the economy.

The interview concluded with Trump’s plan to expand his base by campaigning aggressively in traditionally Democratic states like New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Minnesota, and New Mexico. The border crisis and the economy were highlighted as Trump’s primary concerns for his campaign. Marlow stated that Trump intends to intensify his efforts on the border issue and has evidence to support his claim that Biden’s actions are impeachable. The struggling economy is also a key focus for Trump. The interview ended with a discussion about Trump’s prediction that Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris may not be the Democratic nominees, suggesting that chaos within the party could impact the election.

Written by Staff Reports

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