
Tucker Torches Shapiro: America Last? Not on My Watch!

Conservative news pundit Tucker Carlson took on his nemesis, the Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro, in a fiery exchange this week, accusing Shapiro and other conservative outlets of having their priorities all mixed up. Carlson slammed Shapiro for supposedly caring more about foreign conflicts than issues that are closer to home for the American people. In a scathing attack, Carlson suggested that while conservative voices have been obsessing about chaos in a faraway land, America is teetering on the edge of disaster.

During a discussion with Saagar Enjeti of Breaking Points, Carlson didn’t hold back, calling out unnamed conservative figures for fixating on foreign disputes while ignoring the dire situations right in their own backyard. He pointed to the crisis at the southern border and the looming threat of financial collapse as pressing issues that these figures have supposedly brushed aside in favor of their laser-focused preoccupation with foreign conflicts.

And Carlson didn’t stop there. He went on to accuse these conservative outlets and pundits of not giving a fig about the country, pointing to the fentanyl crisis as just one example of the issues that are being ignored in favor of fixating on foreign affairs. Carlson even took a direct shot at Shapiro, openly questioning how anyone could listen to someone who supposedly doesn’t care about America and its people. 

Not one to take such an attack lying down, Ben Shapiro swiftly fired back, rejecting Carlson’s accusations and defending his own track record of addressing the very issues that Carlson claimed were being overlooked. Shapiro stood his ground, insisting that he has indeed discussed the crisis at the southern border and other pressing concerns facing Americans, vehemently denying Carlson’s claims.

This showdown between Carlson and Shapiro is far from new. Sparks have been flying between the two since the conflict in the Gaza Strip flared up. Shapiro previously took Carlson to task for his interview with GOP presidential contender Vivek Ramaswamy, where Carlson seemed to downplay the atrocities committed by Hamas militants. This prompted Shapiro to question why Carlson wasn’t taking a hardline stance against Hamas, sparking yet another round of verbal fisticuffs between the two conservative heavyweights.


Written by Staff Reports

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