
UNM’s $3M Donor Bias Exposed: A Blue Money Deluge!

The University of New Mexico is making it rain in the political arena, but with a twist that might not sit well with many New Mexicans. This prestigious institution is set to pour over $3 million into the campaign coffers, and get this, a whopping 97% of those funds will be flowing straight into the pockets of Democrats. You heard that right, folks. The University of New Mexico seems to be playing favorites in a game that should be about fairness and balance.

But hold your horses, because this isn’t the first rodeo for the University of New Mexico when it comes to political handouts. Back in 2016, they dished out a cool $206,000 to Democrats, making up 95% of their donations. Fast forward to 2020, and those numbers nearly quadrupled to $812,000, with a staggering 97% of their generosity going to the blue team. If they keep this up, Democrats could be looking at a jackpot of over $3 million from the University of New Mexico. Talk about a golden ticket!

Critics are raising their eyebrows at this lopsided generosity, and they’re not mincing words. They’re saying that the University of New Mexico is nothing more than a political echo chamber, where students are being spoon-fed a heavy dose of one-sided ideology instead of being educated on the diverse spectrum of thoughts and ideas. Jennifer Kabbany, editor of The College Fix, is waving the warning flag, claiming that the university is leaning too far left and turning into a one-party “echo chamber.” According to her, the days of open-minded and balanced education are long gone, and they’ve been replaced by a new breed of scholars who are more interested in pushing their own political agendas than in teaching the broad spectrum of knowledge.

If you’re curious about where all this money is going, look no further than the top recipients of the University of New Mexico’s cash parade. Joe Biden snagged a sweet $162,000, Xochitl Torres Small walked away with $61,000, and the Democratic National Committee and Bernie Sanders cashed in with $49,000 and $43,000, respectively. It looks like the University of New Mexico has a type, and that type is decidedly Democrat.

Written by Staff Reports

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