
Unprecedented: Majority of Dems Crave Biden Swap-Out for 2024 Race!

According to a recent poll conducted by Fox News, more than half of Democrat primary voters, a staggering 54 percent, want to replace President Joe Biden as the nominee for the 2024 election. This highlights the growing dissatisfaction within the Democrat party, as many supporters are unhappy with Biden’s leadership and believe a different Democrat should lead the party.

It’s clear that Biden’s refusal to step aside and allow for a new leader has caused significant division within his own party. Only 43 percent of Democrat primary voters actually want to keep Biden as the nominee, showing that a majority are looking for an alternative option.

This sentiment against Biden has been gradually increasing. In October, 53 percent preferred an alternative candidate, while in March, it was 52 percent. The trend is clear: more and more Democrat primary voters are losing confidence in Biden.

It’s ironic that Biden himself admitted that his decision to run for reelection is heavily influenced by the fact that Donald Trump is running again. He stated that if Trump wasn’t running, he probably wouldn’t be running either. This just goes to show that Biden lacks the conviction and dedication to lead the party on his own merits.

Furthermore, recent national and battleground state polls have shown Biden falling behind Trump. Morning Consult found that Trump leads Biden in six out of seven crucial swing states. NBC News reported that Trump has a two-point lead over Biden, and Fox News showed Trump trouncing Biden by four points.

These poll results should serve as a wake-up call to the Democrat party. It’s clear that their current nominee is not resonating with voters and is losing ground to Trump. If they want any chance of victory in 2024, they need to seriously consider replacing Biden with a more viable candidate.

This poll is a clear indication that Democrat voters are losing faith in Biden’s ability to lead. It’s understandable why they are looking for an alternative nominee. Biden’s performance so far has been underwhelming, and he lacks the charisma and energy necessary to win against Trump. It’s time for the Democrat party to face the reality and find a stronger candidate who can truly challenge Trump in the next election.

Written by Staff Reports

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