
US Army Soldier Faces Charges Over Hacking Trump and Harris Phone Records

A U.S. Army soldier has found himself in a bit of hot water, allegedly dabbling in the shady underworld of telecommunications while targeting high-profile figures like President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris. The accuser, Cameron John Wagenius, is facing several charges related to the illicit acquisition and distribution of confidential phone records. Rumor has it that he was looking to cash in on this sensitive information, likely thinking that selling out should be a fruitful career move for a military man.

Files made public in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington reveal that Wagenius allegedly played fast and loose with private telecommunications data, running what appears to be an unofficial side business in hacking. Apparently, the soldier didn’t let the fact that it was illegal stop him from attempting to trade phone records like baseball cards. This wouldn’t have been so shocking if it was happening in some third-world country, but no – this is a soldier from Fort Cavazos, Texas. You’d think they’d stress the importance of keeping secrets or at least not jeopardizing national security in basic training.

Colonel Kamil Sztalkoper of the III Armored Corps confirmed that they were aware of the situation and promised to fully cooperate with the investigation. This might be the first time folks have seen the military acting promptly since the last time a liberal got mad about something. The details of Wagenius’s alleged misdeeds are still murky, but a cybersecurity journalist has shared tidbits that suggest he went under the alias “Kiberphant0m.” Apparently, he couldn’t resist flaunting his exploits online, claiming to have hacked call records belonging to both Trump and Harris. 


A Texas magistrate wasted no time in making sure the alleged phone records hustler finds himself in Seattle for the legal proceedings. After all, nothing spells justice quite like a road trip for an alleged criminal. Meanwhile, the woes abound in the political arena as the Trump campaign recently announced it was hacked, with foreign sources slinking their way into sensitive communications, planting misinformation seeds intended to disrupt the 2024 election. For a party that so ardently touts security, it’s ironic to think they seem to lose their paperwork as easily as some folks lose their car keys.

With charges piling up against Wagenius, one can’t help but feel a twinge of irony. While the nation gears up for the battle between freedom and the radical left, this soldier could have done his part by serving his country instead of heading down the dark path of cybercrime. Let’s hope this tale serves as a reminder that integrity in the military means more than wearing the uniform – it demands character and allegiance, not impulsive hacks that make one’s mama proud.

Written by Staff Reports

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