
US Intel Unclear on Putin’s Role in Navalny Death

In a new twist straight out of a spy novel, the U.S. intelligence officials are whispering that Russian President Vladimir Putin probably didn’t give the order for his political rival, Alexei Navalny, to meet his unfortunate demise earlier this year. Even though American bigwigs still point the finger at Putin for Navalny’s death in custody, they’re scratching their heads over any “smoking gun” linking Putin directly to the tragedy. 


At the time of Navalny’s passing, President Joe Biden was quick to wag his finger at Putin, saying that while he couldn’t exactly pin the blame on the Russian leader, the deed was still on Putin’s hands. Navalny, a thorn in Putin’s side, had been languishing in a Russian prison on what he called trumped-up charges before his untimely farewell.

Despite the US officials tapping on the keys behind their desks, Putin swept another election, grabbing the crown for a fifth royal term without breaking a sweat. It’s like a political merry-go-round over there, but with more spies and secrets.

As for the Russian version of events, officials are sticking to their guns, claiming Navalny just keeled over from something called “Sudden Death Syndrome.” No foul play, they say. Just a regular ol’ sudden kick-the-bucket moment. And as for that whole nerve-agent poisoning scandal? The Kremlin says, “Who, us?”

In the end, it’s a tale as old as time: political rivals, secrecy, and power plays. The Wall Street Journal spilled the tea first on this new chapter in the Navalny saga, leaving everyone wondering what really goes on behind the closed doors of international politics. Stay tuned for the next episode of “Who Dunnit: Political Edition.”

Written by Staff Reports

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