
WaPo Wakes Up to Hunter Biden’s Burisma Blunder, Dad Dodges Dirt

The Washington Post, often associated with liberal viewpoints, has stepped forward to acknowledge the tangled mess Hunter Biden finds himself in due to his dubious foreign business connections. This left-leaning media outlet now acknowledges the Justice Department's belief in a "strong criminal case" against Hunter Biden. It sheds light on his involvement with Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company that hired him despite his lack of experience in the energy sector, painting it as a scandalous affair.

The WaPo even conceded that President Joe Biden "falsely claimed" his son hadn't profited from China in October 2020. Finally, revelations about the questionable dealings of the Biden family are emerging from an unexpected quarter.

However, true to form, The WaPo seems torn, attempting to shield President Biden from any fallout arising from his son's misconduct. They argue that the father shouldn't bear the consequences of the son's actions, aiming to protect the President's innocence.

This entire saga unfolds against the backdrop of Hunter Biden boldly skipping his closed-door congressional deposition to hold a press conference instead. Meanwhile, former President Trump chimed in, poking fun at Hunter's press conference location blunder and underscoring the apparent unequal treatment within the justice system.

The spectacle on Capitol Hill is an embarrassing circus, with Hunter drawing attention to himself while the liberal media tentatively acknowledges that the Biden family's business dealings might have deeper complexities.

Written by Staff Reports

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