
Watch Biden Scramble for Thanksgiving Victory with Israel Truce

After a successful foreign policy maneuver with Israel, President Joe Biden is on a high, but his elation may not endure long once he returns to Washington. In collaboration with his most senior negotiators, the president successfully obtained the liberation of fifty detainees and an interim cessation of hostilities in the Gaza Strip. Recent polls indicate that in a hypothetical rematch for the 2024 general election, the public would support former President Donald Trump. This development is favorable for the White House. Nevertheless, Vice President Biden's Thanksgiving with his family in Nantucket, Massachusetts, will be brief, as he will return to numerous obstacles.

Biden will face significant challenges, including pressure from the left to end the Gaza conflict. In spite of the momentary cessation of hostilities, progressive members of Congress continue to urge the president to implement additional measures. In addition, Biden will have to navigate conflicts regarding government funding, assistance for Ukraine, and a potential vote of impeachment by House Republicans. After Thanksgiving, the Senate intends to vote on a supplemental funding measure that would provide assistance to the Department of Homeland Security, Ukraine, Israel, China, and Taiwan. As an alternative, Republicans are demanding substantial policy reforms along the southern border in exchange for additional assistance for Ukraine.

Additionally, Biden will be responsible for government funding for the remainder of the year. House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Republican hailing from Louisiana, effectively transported to the president's desk a continuing resolution that had been "laddered" earlier in November. Nevertheless, the temporary measure has encountered resistance from certain Republicans, potentially impeding the successful passage of both the supplemental funding request and the complete appropriations legislation.

Johnson appears more receptive to House Republicans' efforts to impeach the president than his predecessor, Representative Kevin McCarthy, which further complicates matters for Biden. For prospective impeachment proceedings, the House Oversight Committee has issued subpoenas to Biden's son, Hunter, and brother, James. The increasing schism within the Democratic Party regarding Biden's approach to the Israel conflict and his lackluster polling results further compound the obstacles that the president will encounter upon his reinstatement in Washington.

Amidst this complex situation, Senator Bernie Sanders and Representative Rashida Tlaib, both of the Democratic Party, are advocating for an enduring cessation of hostilities in Gaza. They are of the opinion that the attained temporary agreement is insufficient and demand immediate action to end the violence and save lives. Despite the recent achievement of rescuing hostages and the temporary cessation of hostilities, Biden's return to Washington will be arduous due to pressure from both the left and the right.

Written by Staff Reports

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