
Whistleblower Attorney Says Washington Post Shields Hunter Biden!

The attorney representing an IRS whistleblower has issued a warning, stating that the Washington Post will be implicated in Hunter Biden's illegal activities if it chooses to remain silent on key matters. Abbe Lowell, Hunter Biden's lawyer, has accused the whistleblower, Gary Shapley, of unlawfully leaking confidential information to the Washington Post for their October 2022 article. Lowell argues that Shapley's actions might be an attempt to divert attention from his own wrongdoing, suggesting a deliberate campaign of misinformation aimed at damaging Hunter Biden and attacking his father.

On the contrary, Shapley denies ever contacting the Washington Post and demands that the newspaper speak out and confirm that he is not their source for the Hunter Biden leak. Represented by attorney Tristan Leavitt, president of Empower Oversight, Shapley urges the Washington Post to be transparent and truthful. However, the newspaper has chosen to remain silent, raising suspicions about its motives.

Leavitt has cautioned the Washington Post that if they do not acknowledge that Shapley never approached them, they will effectively be supporting Hunter Biden's legal defense. The Washington Post's silence portrays them as biased individuals who have no interest in establishing Shapley's innocence. Instead, they seem to be perpetuating false narratives created by Hunter Biden's legal team to intimidate and silence honest whistleblowers like Shapley.

Shapley's testimony before Congress in May exposed a conspiracy within the Department of Justice to shield Hunter Biden from a criminal investigation. He believed it was his duty to highlight the mishandling of this high-profile case by prosecutors. Moreover, Shapley claimed that he was impeded from investigating the money trails connected to Hunter Biden, ultimately leading to "the big guy." He stated that multiple steps were deliberately delayed or disregarded under the guidance of the Department of Justice.

To conclude, the Washington Post's refusal to address the allegations against Shapley and their silence on the matter raise serious concerns about the newspaper's credibility and impartiality as a news source. By failing to clarify this issue, they are allowing themselves to be complicit in Hunter Biden's defense. It is imperative that the truth be uncovered and that the Washington Post be held accountable for their involvement in this situation.

Written by Staff Reports

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