
Whitmer Defends Biden Gaffes, Blames Busy Travel Schedule

Governor Gretchen Whitmer might just be President Biden’s most loyal cheerleader, as she recently jumped through hoops to defend his numerous gaffes, equating them to nothing more than “bad moments” amidst his taxing schedule. Whitmer’s words came during a Q&A with USA Today, where she pointed to Biden’s relentless travel itinerary—which included two trips to Europe in one week—as the root cause of his mishaps. Clearly, the Governor believes that jetlag is a valid excuse for incoherence during critical debates.

Hilariously, Whitmer tried to paint Biden’s grueling calendar as evidence of his competence, stating it would be tough for anyone, especially her at 52. She noted the countless incredible things he’s been doing (unseen by the public, conveniently), and assured everyone that his debatable debate performance was merely a blip. This praise, of course, followed the President’s own excuse to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, where he blamed his mumbling mess in a June debate on his endless travel.

Whitmer, clutching her pom-poms, is a national co-chair of Biden’s campaign, vigorously defending him against those pesky suggestions that he should gracefully exit the presidential race. Her name was even floated as a potential replacement, an idea that made her “uncomfortable.” She chastised such speculation for undermining her tireless efforts on the campaign trail, both nationally and back in Michigan. After all, it’s hard work defending the indefensible.

When asked whether another term under Biden would benefit America, Whitmer dodged the obvious trap and proclaimed her unwavering support for the sitting President. She also expressed profound concern over the possibility of Trump 2.0, clearly terrified that real leadership might derail the Democratic ticket’s chance in 2024.

Biden and his team have been loudly adamant that he’s here to stay, with the President himself declaring that the voters had spoken—because who would dare question the lucidity of the Democratic nomination process? As 2024 looms closer, one can only imagine how many more “aggressive calendar” excuses will be needed to justify the President’s “bad moments.”

Written by Staff Reports

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