
ABC’s Raddatz Grills Mayorkas on Biden Border Failures and Broken Promises

Martha Raddatz, the brave co-anchor of ABC News’ “This Week,” did not hold back when questioning Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas about the Biden administration’s border security fumbles. She reminded Mayorkas of his bold claims from three years ago when he confidently declared they had a plan to handle migration at the southern border. Fast forward to today, with 6.5 million migrants apprehended since then, it’s clear that the plan may not have been as successful as he promised.

Mayorkas tried to spin the situation, blaming the dynamic nature of migration and calling for congressional action to solve the issues at hand. But let’s not forget the administration’s delayed response to implementing a plan to address the border crisis. President Biden’s excuse of not wanting to disrupt a bipartisan deal sounds more like political maneuvering than a genuine effort to solve a pressing national security issue. 


The timeline laid out by Mayorkas only serves to highlight the lack of urgency in addressing border security concerns. From sending legislation to Congress on day one to failed attempts at securing supplemental funding, the excuses continue to pile up. It seems like the administration is more focused on playing the blame game rather than taking decisive action to protect the country’s borders.

As the Biden administration continues to grapple with the repercussions of its inaction, one thing is clear – the American people deserve better. It’s time for our elected officials to put aside their political agendas and work towards securing the border, ensuring the safety and well-being of all Americans. The border may be a hot topic for debate, but national security should always take precedence over political games.

Written by Staff Reports

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