
Arab American Leaders Slam Biden for Silence on Activist’s Death

Arab American and Muslim leaders are sending a loud and clear message to the Biden administration regarding its apparent indifference to the tragic death of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, an American activist who lost her life in the West Bank. Eyewitness accounts suggest that she was shot in the head by an Israeli soldier during a protest—a situation that has raised eyebrows and questions about the administration’s commitment to protecting American citizens abroad. It seems the only thing more silent than the administration is a liberal Arts major trying to write a compelling thesis.

This coalition, dubbing themselves “Abandon Harris,” has never shied away from calling out the administration for what they perceive as a delayed and half-hearted response to the ongoing conflict in Gaza. With President Biden and Vice President Harris keeping mum on the issue, one has to wonder if the White House is more focused on its TikTok dance challenges than on the death of an American citizen at the hands of a so-called ally. The group argues that an American being killed by a foreign military should be met with outrage, not crickets chirping in a vacant press room.

The most significant statement so far has come from Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who mentioned that the State Department is looking into the incident. But here’s the kicker—he couldn’t even commit to reevaluating military support for Israel in light of Eygi’s death. It appears that the sprawling halls of Foggy Bottom have turned into a game of “Who Can Avoid Controversy the Longest?” Meanwhile, a grieving family and a nation demand answers that they’re not receiving.

Abandon Harris didn’t hold back, branding the administration’s silence as “beyond shameful” and a major betrayal of American values. With a record like this, it’s no surprise that the coalition is questioning how anyone can trust Biden and Harris to protect American interests when they struggle to acknowledge the loss of American lives abroad. It raises significant concerns about their priorities—are they more concerned about appeasing certain factions than safeguarding their own citizens?

Reports have clarified that Eygi, a Turkish American, was protesting peacefully in Beita when tragedy struck. The Israel Defense Forces claim they fired at someone they labeled a “main instigator” who posed a threat. However, the group maintains that video evidence contradicts these claims, showing that she was merely standing for justice. On the other side of the ocean, Turkey promptly placed blame on Israel, vowing that those responsible for “crimes against humanity” will face justice in international courts. It seems diplomatic relations are about to get a lot more complicated.

All things considered, the Biden administration’s apparent reluctance to engage in this evolving narrative raises infinitely more questions than it answers. The silence is deafening, and not just because of the crickets. As the political chess match continues, one can only hope that the administration finally decides to play their hand and address the situation—after all, one can’t govern well from behind a wall of silence, especially when that wall is built on the backs of the very citizens they were elected to protect.

Written by Staff Reports

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