
Barr Slams Trump’s “Wacky” Defense Over Document Mishandling

Former Attorney General Bill Barr recently criticized his former boss, former President Donald Trump, for using a defense he deemed “wacky” in response to charges that he mishandled classified documents. The comments made by Barr came during his Sunday appearance on “Face the Nation” on CBS News, as per the Washington Post.

According to the news outlet Newsweek, Trump delivered a speech to supporters at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster recently, citing the Presidential Records Act in his defense of the mishandling of classified documents charges that he faces. In his speech, Trump argued that the Espionage Act has been used in the past to target traitors and spies and has nothing to do with a former president legally keeping his own documents.

Barr, on the other hand, swiftly dismissed Trump’s defense claim. He declared that “The legal theory by which he gets to take battle plans and sensitive national security information as his personal papers is absurd.” The former attorney also disagreed with the suggestion that Trump should not be charged since no charges were filed against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Barr acknowledged that questioning equal justice between the two cases is not a groundless argument. However, he added that “I think if you want to restore the rule of law and equal justice, you don’t do it by further discrediting the justice system.” That being said, doubts about equal justice are likely to arise after Hunter Biden, the son of current President Joe Biden, was granted a lenient plea bargain despite charges for illegal gun possession and tax evasion.

In conclusion, it is clear that Barr’s comments are a reminder that the left-leaning National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) have rejected Trump’s position, leaving Trump’s legal defense in a perilous position. Ultimately, the only way to restore justice and showcase what conservatism truly stands for is by ensuring that everyone, including former presidents and their families, remain accountable for their actions.

Source: Conservative Institute

Written by Staff Reports

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