
Biden Administration Embraces Antisemite of the Week Tyler Cherry

Tyler Cherry, once a relatively low-profile figure in the Department of the Interior, has now found his way into the White House’s communications team. Is anyone really surprised that the administration would stand by someone with such a checkered past? With a rap sheet of problematic stances, particularly toward Israel, Cherry’s history includes nastiness that led him to scrub his social media history when his past posts came back to haunt him.

Over the weekend, the watchdog group StopAntisemitism named Cherry as their “Antisemite of the Week.” Given his past statements and associations, it’s a well-earned title. Among other things, Cherry has publicly supported the elimination of Israel and celebrated known antisemite Linda Sarsour. Yet, despite all this baggage, the Biden administration not only stands by Cherry but expresses pride in having him onboard. Talk about misguided loyalty.

StopAntisemitism has been vocal about their disdain for Cherry’s promotion. They’ve called for the White House to show some sense and retract the promotion immediately. The notion that someone who holds these views could climb the ranks to an influential position speaks volumes about this administration’s vetting process—or lack thereof. Liora Rez, the founder of StopAntisemitism, did not mince words when she expressed hope that this would be the quickest hire-and-fire scenario under Biden’s watch. If only the administration were this swift when handling crises that actually mattered to everyday Americans.

Adding to the absurdity, the White House Deputy Press Secretary chimed in, stating they were “very proud” to have Cherry on the team. This statement was conveniently issued during Pride Month as if coupling an already contentious personnel decision with a politically symbolic period would somehow make it more palatable.

It’s baffling to see the administration parade around with Cherry, a figure whose past comments are as clear as day and whose favoritism towards hostile views against Israel is appalling. Tyler Cherry’s X account might be wiped, but the internet never forgets. His past posts advocating for the occupation of Palestine and condemning U.S. support for Israel are out there for everyone to see, resurfacing his bias every time he’s in the spotlight.

One would think the administration would take a firm stand against antisemitism, but Cherry’s promotion speaks volumes about their priorities. By choosing to elevate someone with a history like his, the White House essentially tells the public that such views are not only acceptable but rewarded. It is high time President Biden re-evaluated his hiring practices, starting with a recalibration of Tyler Cherry.

Written by Staff Reports

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