
Biden, AMLO Pledge Joint Effort to Curb Illegal Border Crossings

President Joe Biden and President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador of Mexico have made promises to work together to stop illegal crossings at the southern border. The two leaders have ordered their national security teams to take action to significantly reduce irregular border crossings while still respecting human rights. Biden, who is facing potential reelection against former President Donald Trump, is looking to bring down the record-high numbers of illegal immigration seen during his presidency. 


In their joint statement, the leaders discussed managing migration in the hemisphere and enhancing efficiency on the shared border to benefit the security and prosperity of both countries’ citizens. Lopez Obrador, also known as AMLO, is in the final stretch of his six-year term as Mexico’s president and is prohibited by the country’s Constitution from seeking a second term. Despite this, he has taken a hard stance on the border and has called for $20 billion in annual aid, as well as an end to the Cuban embargo and Venezuelan sanctions in return for better cooperation on border enforcement. Former President Trump has criticized these demands, suggesting they display a lack of respect for President Biden.

Lopez Obrador is also concerned with the impact of immigration from countries south of Mexico on his own country. In January, a bipartisan congressional delegation held discussions with him in Mexico City about the matter. President Biden’s approval rating on immigration stands at 32.2%, ranking as one of his lowest-polling issues, according to a RealClearPolitics average of polls.

Written by Staff Reports

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