
Biden Approval Plummets: Only 34% Satisfied as America Seeks Change

President Joe Biden’s approval rating has hit rock bottom as Americans express their dissatisfaction with his leadership. In a recent Monmouth University poll, only 34 percent of respondents approve of Biden’s performance. Meanwhile, a staggering 61 percent disapprove of the job he is doing. These numbers mark a downward trend for Biden, with his approval rating dropping from 44 percent in July to a dismal 34 percent in December. It seems the more the country sees of Biden’s leadership, the less they like it.

Even among Democrats, Biden’s support is eroding. His approval among party members has plummeted by 14 points in just five months, from 88 percent in July to 74 percent in December. This is certainly causing angst among Democrats as they watch their party’s leader flounder.

The polling data is not the only bad news for the Biden camp. Other polls have captured the public’s dissatisfaction with the current administration. Fox News found that 54 percent of Democrat primary voters are seeking an alternative to Biden, while a Morning Consult survey showed former President Donald Trump leading Biden in six of seven crucial swing states. Additionally, Pew Research revealed that Biden’s approval rating has sunk to a measly 33 percent, the lowest point since he took office. Even CNN’s polling indicates that Biden’s approval rating has hit its nadir during his presidency.

It appears that the President is feeling the weight of these damning polls. Reportedly, he snapped back at a reporter who questioned his performance, and there are whispers about his frustration behind closed doors. Biden has been privately lamenting his inability to gain traction, especially on economic issues, which is particularly troubling considering the growing economy and decreasing unemployment rate. Even the first lady, Jill Biden, has expressed her disappointment with her husband’s low approval rating and the surveys that show him trailing Trump.

It seems that the American people are increasingly disillusioned with Biden’s leadership and are seeking a change. As these poll results continue to roll in, Biden and the Democratic Party are left grappling with the stark reality that their original enthusiasm for Biden is waning. Only time will tell how these apparent missteps and public discontent will impact future elections.

Written by Staff Reports

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