
Biden Bashes SCOTUS on Affirmative Action Decision: ‘Unusual Court’?

Following the Supreme Court's historic decision today to prohibit academic institutions from considering race in their admissions, the president weighed in on the issue. Joe Biden told educational institutions that they can still skirt the ruling by considering adversity as a factor in their admission process.

In his speech, he stated that discrimination still exists in the US. He called the decision a severe disappointment and said that the country cannot afford to let it become a permanent setback.

According to a report by Breitbart, White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean Pierre, said that the Department of Education and the Department of Justice will work together to support Biden's idea that academic institutions should continue to advance diversity through adversity. She also noted that both the government and the colleges will work together to implement this concept.

It seems like President Biden can't stand the way things don't go his way. After the Supreme Court ruled that race-based admissions can't be considered in college admissions, he expressed his disappointment. However, he noted that universities can still use various factors such as adversity to determine which students will be admitted.

It's no surprise then that he thinks the Supreme Court, which is the highest court in the country, is a rogue court. Since it's the only branch that's supposed to act independently of the political and economic activities of the country, Biden has no right to call it that.

It's a huge credit to Chief Justice Roberts, as well as Justice Thomas, for standing up for what's right. They stated that race shouldn't be a factor in college admissions, and it's time for universities to follow suit.

Judge Justice Clarence Thomas was very clear about the importance of maintaining a nondiscriminatory approach to academic institutions' admissions process. He said that it's unconstitutional and that it's time for the country to start living up to its principles of equality.

Although the president expressed his disappointment, the Supreme Court has stated that race-based admissions can no longer be considered in college admissions. It's time for educational institutions to start focusing on what matters most, which is merit and hard work.

Source= Trending Politics Conservative News and Commentary

Written by Staff Reports

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