
Biden Battles Texas, Begs Supreme Court to Uproot Border Protection Measures!

The Biden Administration in a Tuesday filing asked the Supreme Court to let Border Patrol agents remove razor wire that was installed by Texas along the US-Mexico border. The administration argued that they have the authority under federal law to clear the concertina wire near the Rio Grande, claiming it hinders federal agents from accessing parts of the border.

The Justice Department stated that Border Patrol agents have the authority to access private land within 25 miles of the international border, without needing a warrant, to enforce federal immigration laws. They further argued that the razor wire, which was installed along a 30-mile stretch of land near Eagle Pass, Texas, obstructs the access of federal agents to the border.

Last October, Texas sued the federal government to prevent border agents from cutting the razor wire, and in December, the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit temporarily blocked agents from cutting it.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has vowed to continue building border barriers despite the potential Supreme Court battle, stating in a tweet, “Biden begs SCOTUS to let him cut razor wire TX installed on border. See you in court. Americans & courts will reject Biden’s hostility to immigration laws. TX will continue to deploy National Guard to build border barriers & repel illegal immigrants.”

The Biden administration and Texas have been at odds over immigration enforcement amidst record-levels of illegal border-crossings. The Justice Department has threatened to sue Texas if it enforced a new law allowing state authorities to arrest and deport migrants who enter the country illegally. Additionally, the DOJ sued the state over its construction of a floating barrier in the Rio Grande, which courts have ordered Abbott to remove.

Texas has bused over 95,000 migrants to sanctuary cities, including New York and Chicago, as part of an effort to push President Biden to change his immigration policies. Governor Abbott has criticized Biden’s open border policies and is committed to taking action to combat the influx of illegal immigrants.

Written by Staff Reports

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