
Biden Blames Debate Failures on Jet Lag Sparking Conservative Criticism

Joe Biden’s excuse for his lackluster debate performance has conservative circles buzzing, and not in a good way. The former Vice President’s attempt to explain away his struggles on stage with a bizarre tale of near sleep due to international travel has left many scratching their heads.

Despite efforts from Biden’s team to reassure donors and voters of his capabilities, the cracks in his performance appear to be widening. His comments at a recent private fundraiser only added fuel to the fire, as he claimed his jet lag from recent international trips was to blame for his debate woes. The timeline, however, doesn’t quite add up, leading to doubts about the veracity of his explanation.

Critics argue that if preparing for a debate is proving too taxing for Biden, then how can he be expected to handle the responsibilities of the presidency? With reports of mid-day naps during debate prep and a seemingly light schedule leading up to the campaign, concerns about his fitness for office are reaching a boiling point.

The Biden camp’s attempts to spin his performance issues are falling flat, with many questioning the credibility of his excuses. Whether it’s a matter of dishonesty or genuine incompetence, one thing seems clear – Joe Biden’s debate struggles have only fueled doubts about his ability to lead the nation.

Written by Staff Reports

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