
Biden Blunders as Hamas-Israel Talks Sour, Allies Distrust US Strategy

The news report from Katie stated that Hamas had agreed to stop fighting, but it turned out to be a fake. The demands from Hamas were really unreasonable, so Israel decided to move forward with their planned attack on Rafah, which is the last place in Gaza where Hamas has power.

Biden doesn’t like this and tried to stop it, but he wasn’t strong enough to make it happen. Everyone knows what he’s going to do next, and our enemies are taking advantage of that. Our friends are getting nervous because they think America isn’t helping them like it should be. Biden said “America is back” after he won the 2020 election, but he’s not smart and doesn’t know how to talk with other countries. Two things you need to be good at if you’re going to work with other countries. 


Biden sent CIA Director William Burns to try to talk to Hamas, but it was a big mess. The way it was handled was really bad. People are saying the American officials knew about the agreement but didn’t tell Israel about it. Israel is upset about this and doesn’t trust the United States to help them with the talks anymore.

The U.S. official said it’s been really hard to get Hamas to stop fighting, and that they think Israel has been trying to help. They want Hamas to let go of the people they’re holding and then everything will be okay. The U.S. official also said that they think Hamas is just making a different offer, not a new one.

This has made things even worse between the United States and Israel. The CIA director was in Cairo and Doha when the talks were happening. Three Israeli officials said that Israel didn’t know about the new deal until an hour after Hamas said they agreed to it. The Israeli officials also said that the United States and the people who were talking to Hamas didn’t tell Israel about the new deal.

Some people are saying this is a really bad situation. They say this is what happens when the president is not in control and has been wrong about foreign policy for a long time. They also said that the people who work with Biden are not good at their jobs and think they’re smarter than everyone else. They said “What a mess.” They also said that Biden should not be telling Israel what to do with Rafah because they can’t even do a good job with talking to Hamas.

Written by Staff Reports

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