
Biden Blunders: Troops Targeted, Response Delayed!

The Biden Administration is once again under fire (not literally, but almost) for dragging their feet in firing back at those pesky Iranian-linked militia groups in the Middle East. The ruckus started after three American troops got taken out in Jordan, and folks on the right are feeling mighty displeased about it.

According to CBS News National Security Correspondent David Martin, President Joe Biden practically rolled out the red carpet for those Iran-backed troublemakers by taking forever to make a move. Martin reckons that by blabbing about launching strikes, the Biden bunch gave those militia leaders and Iranian operatives all the time in the world to scurry off and hide. Martin even threw in a zinger about them huddling up with women and children for cover. Can you believe it?

And just when you thought things couldn’t get worse, White House National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby waltzed in with a flimsy excuse about waiting for the weather to play nice before pulling the trigger. These are some grown-up leaders we’ve got here, huh?

Meanwhile, House Speaker Mike Johnson, a proud Republican from Louisiana, wasn’t mincing his words. He straight-up called out President Biden for dropping the ball on this one. Johnson insisted that those attacks on our troops should’ve gotten a swift and firm response, but instead, it was crickets from the White House. He’s not wrong, you know.

To add fuel to the fire, Senator Roger Wicker from Mississippi chimed in, raising suspicions that Biden’s dilly-dallying gave those troublemakers just enough time to pack up and play hide-and-seek. It’s like they had a head start in a game of “run from the consequences.”

It’s a full-blown conservative outcry, with folks on the right practically shouting, “Don’t mess with America, and definitely don’t mess with our troops!” The Biden Administration better shape up, or they might find themselves in a world of political hurt.

Written by Staff Reports

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