
Biden Bridge Blunder: Klain Spills on Economy Ignored for Infrastructure!

In a shocking audio recording, President Joe Biden’s former White House chief of staff Ron Klain went on a rant about his ex-boss, criticizing him for obsessing over “f*cking bridges” instead of fixing the economy. Klain bemoaned the fact that Biden was spending too much time cutting ribbons and talking about bridges when Americans were feeling the squeeze of rising costs. He exclaimed that eggs and milk were getting expensive, and no one gives a hoot about a bridge!

Klain seemed to think that Biden was acting like a congressman, running around talking about bridges instead of focusing on what really matters. He called it a “fool’s errand” and suggested that the media barely even covers Biden’s bridge obsession because, really, who cares about a bridge, right? He argued that the president should be hammering home his economic message, showing that he’s on the side of struggling families and touting his plan to bring down costs and raise incomes. Klain seemed to suggest that Biden’s current approach just isn’t cutting it and might not win him any favors with voters in the 2024 election.

It appears that Biden’s so-called “Bidenomics” plan has been a bit of a flop, failing to tackle the nation’s skyrocketing inflation and failing to win over Americans for a potential second term. While folks continue to feel the pinch at the grocery store and the gas pump, Biden seems to be laser-focused on building bridges. Literally. During stops in Wisconsin and Michigan, he made a big deal about $3.3 billion earmarked for infrastructure projects in disadvantaged communities. Maybe he thinks those bridges will help people carry their heavy wallets across raging rivers of economic hardship.

Now, in the wake of this explosive audio leak, the White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates is doing damage control, pointing out that Klain’s comments don’t paint the full picture of Biden’s efforts. Bates defended Biden’s bridge obsession, arguing that the president is on a noble quest to boost the middle class and lower costs, while standing up against the evil intentions of those dastardly Republicans. It seems like the Biden team is trying to spin this narrative to show that the president is valiantly battling for the little guy, even if it means getting a bit sidetracked by bridge talk.

Written by Staff Reports

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