
Biden Campaign Faces Turmoil as Delegate Panic Escalates

In the latest episode of “The Delegates Are Revolting!” featuring the Biden Campaign Collapse Tracker, things are getting hotter than a Biden aide holding a thermometer. The White House is in panic mode as reports surface of delegates receiving loyalty check calls. It seems like Team Biden is more disorganized than a college freshman during finals week, with delegates getting multiple calls asking about their concerns regarding Biden’s nomination. These wobbly delegates must be feeling the squeeze tighter than a can of sardines in a voting booth.

With a group chat brewing among delegates pushing for a secret ballot nomination vote, it’s clear that some folks are spelling “conscience” as “ABBB” – anybody but Biden. The iron lock that Biden had on the nomination is rusting faster than a vintage car in a rainstorm. Even Bill Kristol, who seems to have more wild ideas than a toddler on a sugar high, suggested ditching Biden for a winning ticket composed of Mikie Sherrill and Abigail Spanberger. The only thing uniting people across party lines seems to be the disbelief in Kristol’s proposals. 


As the fears and doubts spread like wildfire among Biden’s camp, it’s evident that the Democrats are facing more drama than a reality TV show reunion episode. From delegates craving a secret ballot to aides fumbling loyalty checks, the chaos is reaching epic proportions. So, buckle up, folks, it looks like the Democratic National Convention might just be the most entertaining reality show on TV this season.

Written by Staff Reports

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