
Biden Campaign Official Accuses Media of Election Interference Over Debate Coverage

A senior re-election campaign official for President Joe Biden recently took aim at the media, accusing editorial boards of engaging in election interference through their coverage of Biden’s debate performance. Keisha Lance Bottoms, a senior campaign advisor to Biden, criticized editorial boards for what she perceived as attempts to influence the election by writing negatively about Biden, specifically referencing the Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s editorial board.

Bottoms argued that criticism of Biden by editorial boards was not in line with honoring fair elections and accused the media of undue influence. Her remarks reflect the campaign’s growing concern that the media may no longer be providing favorable coverage for Biden, particularly in light of negative assessments of his debate performance. 


While Bottoms suggested that editorial boards should not criticize politicians, journalists like Jake Tapper and Anderson Cooper have faced similar accusations of election interference for their reporting on Biden. This backlash against the media reveals a concerning trend of attempting to stifle free speech and freedom of the press.

Editorial boards play a crucial role in holding politicians, including the President, accountable by offering diverse opinions and perspectives. By accusing the media of election interference, Bottoms and others risk undermining the essential role of the press in a democratic society. It’s important to remember that the media serves as a check on power and should be free to report on and critique political figures without fear of reprisal.

Written by Staff Reports

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