
Biden Emails Prove He Played Puppet Master in Hunter’s Burisma Affair!

In a bombshell revelation, recent documents have revealed a striking number of emails exchanged between President Joe Biden and his son’s long-time business partner, Eric Schwerin. According to NBC News, the elder Biden sent Schwerin a whopping 54 emails while he was serving as vice president. But what makes this revelation even more interesting is the timing of these messages. Many of them coincided with Joe Biden’s trips to Ukraine, during a time when Hunter Biden was involved with the scandal-ridden Ukrainian gas company Burisma.

NBC News reports that “All told, then-Vice President Biden emailed Schwerin 35 times before and after his 2014 trips to Ukraine.” The bulk of the communication seems to have occurred while an agreement was being made for Hunter Biden to join the board of Burisma. Of course, the White House is brushing off any suggestion of impropriety, claiming that Schwerin worked as Joe Biden’s financial advisor from 2009 to 2017. But even if we give them the benefit of the doubt, it is hard to ignore the glaring conflict of interest presented by the cozy relationship between a financial advisor and the son’s business partner.

Let’s not forget the sequence of events here. Just three weeks after then-Vice President Biden’s trip to Ukraine in 2014, his son Hunter managed to secure a highly lucrative position on the board of Burisma, despite lacking any relevant experience in the oil and natural gas industry. One can only imagine the uproar if something like this had happened to Donald Trump Jr. during his father’s time in office. And Hunter himself admitted in a 2019 interview that his last name played a significant role in his appointment, stating, “I don’t think that there’s a lot of things that would have happened in my life if my last name wasn’t Biden.”

The evidence continues to mount against Joe Biden and his alleged involvement in his son’s questionable business dealings. Text messages from Hunter Biden, which have been made public, suggest that his father had profited from his influence-peddling schemes while he was vice president. And the House Oversight Committee’s recent release of subpoenaed bank records reveals that Joe Biden received direct monthly payments from Hunter’s business entity, Owasco PC. It’s time for a thorough investigation into these matters and for both father and son to be held accountable.

Written by Staff Reports

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