
Biden Flips Script, Tags Houthis as Terrorists Again!

The Biden administration is once again taking a stand against the notorious Yemeni Houthi rebels, who have been causing chaos and destruction in the Middle East. The Houthis, who were coddled by the Biden administration in 2021 when they removed their terrorist designation, have been on a rampage lately, declaring war on Israel and launching brutal attacks on international shipping in the Red Sea.

The U.S. has had enough of these troublemakers and has decided to re-designate the Houthis as a terrorist organization. And honestly, it’s about time! These Houthis have been causing so much trouble, it’s as if they’ve never heard the saying, “if you don’t have anything nice to do, then don’t do anything at all!”


This decision comes after the Biden administration announced a multinational naval coalition to protect the Red Sea straits, which have been under constant threat from the Houthis’ hijackings and missile attacks. But did that stop the Houthis? No way! They not only continued their attacks, but they even threatened to target U.S. vessels with advanced anti-ship missiles. The nerve of these guys!

So, the U.S. and the United Kingdom had had enough and launched air and missile strikes on dozens of Houthi targets in Yemen. And you know what? The Houthis were warned! The U.S. and the U.K. made it clear that if the provocations continued, there would be more strikes to come. And guess what? There were more strikes!

With the Houthis causing chaos and destruction, international pressure is needed to rein them in. Designating the Houthis as a terrorist organization will hopefully bring the entire world together to take greater action against these troublemakers. But even with all the strikes and pressure, the Houthis are just not getting the hint. They keep vowing to ramp up their attacks, showing no signs of backing down. It’s like dealing with a stubborn child who just won’t listen!

So, there you have it! The U.S. is stepping up to put an end to the Houthis’ reign of terror. It’s about time someone took a stand against these troublemakers!

Written by Staff Reports

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