
Biden Ignores Student’s Murder by Illegal Immigrant, Tours Border Instead

In a recent tragic turn of events, 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley was brutally murdered near the University of Georgia campus. Shockingly, her alleged killer was identified as 26-year-old illegal immigrant Jose Antonio Ibarra. The appalling nature of this crime should have prompted swift condemnation and justice, but what did President Joe Biden do? He decided to play tourist at the southern border instead.

It seems like Biden’s priorities are as straight as a corkscrew. While Riley’s family was mourning her senseless death, the President was busy putting on a show in Brownsville, Texas, pretending to care about border security. It’s like watching a circus act while a tragedy unfolds. But hey, who needs empathy when you can have political theater, right?

Some may argue that Biden can’t comment on every murder case, but that’s not the point. The issue is his deafening silence on Riley’s murder while he has been quick to jump on other high-profile cases like George Floyd’s. It’s almost like he only speaks up when it’s politically convenient for him. The hypocrisy is as thick as peanut butter.

And if that wasn’t enough, Biden’s administration had the audacity to tweet about George Floyd on the same day as Riley’s funeral. Talk about a lack of awareness. It’s as if they were saying, “Sorry for your loss, but look at this shiny distraction.” The disrespect is as clear as day.

Laken Riley’s death was a tragedy that should never have happened. But instead of demanding justice for her, Biden is too busy playing politics. It’s a disgrace. Riley deserves better, and so does the American people. Let’s hope that justice prevails, even if the President won’t speak her name.

Written by Staff Reports

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