
Biden Promises to Shield US Steel Industry from Chinese Competition

President Joe Biden made a grand entrance in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on Wednesday, where he wowed a select group at the United Steelworkers headquarters. His message? A resounding promise to safeguard the American steel industry from the cutthroat competition from China.

Biden went on and on about how the Chinese government is propping up its steel companies at the expense of hardworking Americans. He even got his U.S. Trade Representative, Katherine Tai, to triple the tariffs on steel and aluminum from China. Take that, China!

Not stopping there, Biden also pledged to look into the fishy practices of the Chinese in the shipbuilding industry. He’s not letting anything slide under his watch.

And just in case anyone forgot, Biden wasn’t shy about throwing shade at former President Donald Trump. Apparently, Trump and his crew want to slap tariffs on everything from everywhere, which, according to Biden, would totally wreck the American economy. He doesn’t even think Trump gets it – ouch!

Diving straight into the union scene, Biden’s supporters couldn’t help but gush about how he’s the most pro-labor president ever. Pittsburgh’s mayor proclaimed proudly, “We are a union town and never forget it.” It’s like they were having a Biden appreciation party!

The President also took a firm stance against the potential merger between U.S. Steel and a Japanese company, Nippon Steel. He assured the steelworkers that he had their back on this issue and didn’t want to see such an iconic American company fall into the hands of a foreign entity.

But wait, there’s more! Even after the U.S. Steel shareholders gave the green light for the merger, Biden is sticking to his guns. He’s not backing down, and neither should the American steelworkers.

In a nutshell, President Biden basically said, “I’ve got the American steel industry’s back, and I’m not afraid to go toe-to-toe with China and anyone else who tries to mess with it.” Looks like the American steel industry has a stout defender in the Oval Office.

Written by Staff Reports

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