
Biden Pushes Court Reform Plan Amid Conservative Supreme Court Wins

President Joe Biden appears to have been taking notes from the disappointed child handbook, as he recently released a plan that reads more like a tantrum than a serious policy proposal. In the wake of several conservative victories at the Supreme Court, including those that have been favorable toward former President Trump, Biden has decided it’s time to turn the court into his own personal playground. This includes talking about term limits, imposing a code of conduct for justices, and trying to erase a ruling that protects presidents from being prosecuted for their actions while in office. Whether he’s feeling sore from repeated court losses or simply pandering to the liberal base that’s been clamoring for reforms, this gambit seems like it’s destined for failure.

The root of Biden’s frustration stems from the Supreme Court’s string of conservative rulings that have left many leftists gasping for air. The conservative court has handily dealt setbacks to Democrats, including decisions upholding the rights of states to legislate their abortion laws. These instances have sent Biden and his party into a panic, prompting a flurry of proposals that seem more like a desperate attempt at damage control rather than constitutional reforms. In short, Biden’s proposed changes are like trying to fix a leaky faucet by throwing a bucket at it.

Despite Biden’s grand ambitions, his proposed reforms face a steep uphill battle. He would need an unrealistic two-thirds majority in both houses of Congress and ratification from three-quarters of state legislatures to get anywhere near his ambitious agenda. Don’t count on that happening, especially with a GOP-controlled House. The Democrats may be throwing money at the issue, spurred on by the likes of George Soros, but real change seems as likely as finding a unicorn in a cornfield.

In another classic move, Biden showcased the weight of his grievances in an op-ed that shines a glaring light on his desperation. The crux of his argument is that no one, not even justices or presidents, is above the law. Ironically, while singing this refrained tune, he fails to mention that he spent 36 years in the Senate before building the world’s most disinfected Oval Office. The preference for micromanaging the court comes off particularly funny coming from a man whose own political career has been marked by rather… indulgent self-immunities.

Critics on the right are quick to point out that Biden’s effort to reform the court is far less about ethics and more about quashing the inconvenient decisions that don’t align with his party’s ideology. Legal scholars have noted that instead of a genuine concern for judicial integrity, this reveals a fundamental robotic flaw in how the left processes legal disagreements—if the court doesn’t rule in their favor, it needs to be altered.

With lucrative support from liberal mega-donors geared toward reshaping the court in their favor, it becomes evident that Biden’s proposals aren’t merely his own pipe dreams but part of a larger strategy pushed by powerful elites. These big-money donors, eager to expand their influence, have vested interests in promoting reforms that will effectively dilute the current conservative majority. Suppose Biden thinks plucking a few conservative justices from their perches and implanting his own opinions will improve the court’s image. In that case, he might end up giving the right a little more material for their late-night television comedy monologues.

Written by Staff Reports

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