
Biden Shaken by Latest NBC Poll: Is Israel Next to Be Deserted?

President Joe Biden's popularity has taken a notable downturn, as indicated by recent polls from both NBC News and Fox News. The NBC News survey, specifically delving into the Israel-Hamas conflict, reveals a decline in confidence across the American populace, including Democrats and young voters, in Biden's handling of the situation.

The poll discloses that only 40 percent of respondents approve of Biden's presidency, while a significant 57 percent express disapproval. Among the 18 to 34 age group, a substantial 70 percent disapprove of Biden's management of the war, signaling a significant disconnect with younger demographics—a concerning trend for the administration.

Additionally, the survey shows a split opinion on Israel's military actions, with 47 percent believing them justified and 30 percent thinking Israel went too far. This underscores the growing divergence in American perspectives on Israel and the conflict, particularly within Democratic ranks, where support for Israel appears to be diminishing.

The Israel-Hamas conflict has attracted heightened scrutiny due to Israel's military campaign and a terrorist attack on October 7, resulting in the highest single-day Jewish casualties since the Holocaust, with 1,200 Israelis killed. Hamas's brutal tactics, including attacks on civilians, rape, torture, and kidnapping, have fueled public outrage.

The poll highlights that a majority of Democratic voters believe Israel has gone too far, and a significant portion opposes providing military aid to Israel. This raises concerns about the future of the US-Israel relationship under the Biden administration.

In summary, these poll results indicate a negative impact on Biden's presidency stemming from his foreign policy actions. While there's an opportunity for him to regain support from disenchanted Democrats and young voters, it necessitates strategic changes in his approach to the Israel-Hamas conflict and foreign affairs more broadly.

Questions arise about Biden's stance on Israel, given recent aid announcements to Gaza and renewed waivers on sanctions for Iran, despite Iran's support for Hamas in the October 7 terrorist attack. Prioritizing the safety and interests of the American people and allies over appeasing anti-Israel or pro-Hamas sentiments becomes crucial.

Moreover, there's disconcerting demand among Democrats to condition aid to Israel, despite its pending approval by Congress. Some Democrats' willingness to undermine longstanding bipartisan support for Israel for political gain raises worries.

It's essential not to overlook the influence of anti-Zionist, leftist groups like IfNotNow, exploiting poll results to advocate for a ceasefire and promote anti-Israel sentiments. Their involvement in protests and government building takeovers raises questions about their true intentions.

President Biden must reevaluate his approach to Israel and foreign policy to regain the trust and support of the American people. The upcoming 2024 election will be a pivotal test for his administration's handling of international affairs and commitment to allies.

Written by Staff Reports

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