
Biden Snubbed: Allies Reject US Command in Houthi Rebel Fight

President Joe Biden’s global leadership has once again taken a hit with the failure of “Operation Prosperity Guardian” to rally the support of America’s allies in the fight against Houthi Rebels. Instead of standing shoulder to shoulder with the United States, many of these supposed allies have opted to keep their assets under their own command, effectively snubbing Biden’s efforts to build a strong coalition.

In a clear display of skepticism towards Biden’s leadership, key allies have chosen to participate in the operation but have made it clear they will not place their trust in American leadership. Even France, America’s longest-standing ally, has rejected the idea of placing its vessels under US command and instead opts to maintain control under the French flag.

Adding insult to injury, Italy has also declined to join Biden’s operation, opting to focus solely on protecting its own ships in the region. Spain has followed suit, stating its forces will not participate in the US-led coalition and preferring to engage in NATO or EU operations.

Despite some countries technically participating by sending a handful of officers, the lack of full support from America’s allies has resulted in a lack of clarity and details about the coalition’s actions, causing confusion for shipping companies and leading to vessel rerouting away from the region following attacks.

This disappointment in America’s leadership is unsurprising given President Biden’s track record of alienating allies and failing to uphold America’s standing on the world stage. From the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan to his inability to effectively deter Russian aggression in Ukraine, Biden’s missteps have eroded the trust and confidence of America’s allies.

It’s understandable why countries are hesitant to align themselves with Biden, who has failed to effectively respond to attacks on US personnel in the Middle East. By not demonstrating a firm and decisive stance against ongoing hostilities, Biden has further fueled doubt and reluctance among America’s allies to entrust their assets and troops under his command.


Written by Staff Reports

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