
Biden Team’s Classified Docs Crisis: Iran Envoy Loses Clearance!

The Biden administration is no stranger to classified documents scandals, and it seems like they just can’t catch a break. While the media was quick to pounce on any leaks from the Trump era, they have been strangely silent about the ongoing investigation into how Biden managed to get classified documents dating back to his time in the Senate. But that’s not the only classified document problem plaguing the Biden team. Once again, there are serious questions about their handling of classified information.

Robert Malley, Biden’s Special Envoy for Iran, has had his security clearance stripped and is now on unpaid leave pending a State Department investigation into his mishandling of classified documents. But it’s not just Malley’s conduct that is concerning. House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Michael McCaul is also raising questions about whether the State Department misled Congress and the American public. It seems that not only did the Department fail to respond to the Committee’s requests for Malley’s testimony, but they also neglected to mention that his security clearance was under review. This lack of candor is deeply troubling and raises serious concerns about the integrity of the Biden team.

Sen. Bill Hagerty is also demanding answers. He wants to know how the Biden team allowed Malley to continue in his role while under investigation. It’s a valid question, considering Malley’s past contacts with extremist groups like Hamas. Why did Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken select Malley for such a sensitive position in the first place? It’s clear that the Biden team has a pattern of rewarding individuals with problematic views, just like they did with Malley and John Kerry during the Trump administration.

But it’s not just Malley’s questionable background that’s concerning. He has been actively involved in negotiations with Iran, a country known for its support of terrorism. Malley has been accused of granting major concessions to Iran in exchange for temporary restrictions on their alleged nuclear weapons program. This planned nuclear deal could provide up to $17 billion in sanctions relief to Iran, a country that has repeatedly shown hostility towards the United States and our allies. It’s astonishing that the Biden team would put someone with Malley’s views and track record in charge of such a critical issue.

Overall, the handling of classified documents within the Biden administration continues to be a cause for major concern. From Biden’s own questionable acquisition of classified documents to the mishandling by individuals like Malley, it’s clear that there are serious transparency and accountability issues within this administration. The American people deserve better. We deserve leaders who prioritize the safety and security of our nation, not individuals who are more interested in appeasing our adversaries. It’s time for the Biden administration to start being honest with the American people and start taking responsibility for their actions. Our national security depends on it.

Written by Staff Reports

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