
Biden’s Advisor Talks Tough on Iran: Too Little, Too Late?

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan has made some tough talk about the recent attacks by Iran-backed militias. During his appearance on ABC’s “This Week,” Sullivan boldly declared that the strikes we’ve seen so far are “only the beginning” of our response. Finally, some strong words from the Biden administration!

Sullivan acknowledged that more action will be taken, some of which may not be immediately visible. It’s good to know that they have a plan in place to deal with the tragic deaths of three brave U.S. servicemembers. But let’s not forget that this response comes after months of criticism for the administration’s delayed and weak approach. It’s about time they showed some backbone!

Despite the Biden administration’s track record of appeasing Iran, with their telegraphed attacks and billions of dollars in frozen funds being released, Sullivan claimed that the recent strikes have been effective in taking away capabilities from Iranian-backed militias. Well, if that’s true, we can only hope that they continue to take strong action to protect our forces.

Sullivan warned that future attacks from these militias and the Houthis cannot be ruled out. It’s refreshing to hear someone in the administration acknowledge this, but let’s not forget that actions speak louder than words. We need to see the United States respond swiftly and forcefully if further attacks occur.

It’s no secret that the Biden administration has projected weakness and appeasement, which has emboldened these Iranian proxies to repeatedly attack our forces. Sullivan may talk a big game, but we’ll have to wait and see if their latest responses actually change anything. It’s time for action, not just empty threats and promises.

Overall, it’s good to see some signs of a tougher stance on Iran and its proxies. But we can’t forget the failures and weaknesses of the Biden administration thus far. Let’s hope they follow through on their words and finally take a strong and decisive stand against these dangerous adversaries. Our forces deserve nothing less.

Written by Staff Reports

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