
Biden’s Approval Ratings Sink Lower than Titanic, Kamala’s Surprisingly Stay Afloat!

If there’s anything Americans dislike more than the possibility of Kamala Harris taking over the Oval Office, it’s the thought of enduring four more years of Joe Biden. A recent poll released on Monday has shown that the Vice President’s favorability ratings have surpassed those of the President for the first time, sparking concern within the White House for Biden’s re-election prospects in 2024.

The Monmouth University survey revealed that Biden’s approval rating has plummeted to a miserable 34%, the lowest since his term began, while his disapproval rating has hit a whopping 61%. Yikes! Harris isn’t faring much better with an approval rating of 35% and a disapproval rating of 57%, yet even these numbers are looking positively rosy in comparison to her superior.

The most alarming findings come from independent voters, with Biden only garnering a meager 24% approval – down a staggering 14 points from July. To add insult to injury, over two-thirds of Americans are giving the President a big thumbs down for his handling of the immigration crisis and the inflation saga.

The polls also showed a sharp rejection of the President’s economic message, with a whopping 69% of Americans feeling that the country is heading in the wrong direction, and only 20% believing things are getting better thanks to “Bidenomics.” Ouch! This rejection has left the President and the first lady fuming behind closed doors, with reports of their dismay at the lack of improvement in Biden’s standing.

Despite this bleak outlook, Biden has been sanguine in public, even dismissing his plummeting numbers and confidently brushing off the thought of a potential rematch with his Republican rival, Donald Trump. However, behind the scenes, it’s a different story altogether, with the President reportedly expressing frustration about his low poll numbers and demanding action.

The Democratic Party is also feeling the heat, with concerns growing about their chances to reclaim control of the House of Representatives and expand their Senate majority in the upcoming elections. Even Biden himself has voiced uncertainty about seeking a second term, indicating that the thought of Trump not running might be the only reason he’s considering another go at the presidency.

As if things couldn’t get any worse, the survey revealed that only 31% of Americans feel that Biden is paying enough attention to the issues that matter to them and their families, while a whopping 65% believe that he’s falling short in that department. It seems like the administration’s priorities have missed the mark with the vast majority of the electorate.

Despite their dire situation, Biden’s allies remain hopeful, citing their strong fundraising efforts and recent victories in off-year elections as reasons to be optimistic. However, even with the odds stacked against them, they’ve continued to champion the President, urging Democrats to stick with the incumbent for the upcoming elections.

It’s clear that the storm clouds are gathering for Biden and his administration, and with the 2024 election looming on the horizon, the pressure is on to turn the tide. Will they be able to overcome the odds and secure another term in the White House, or will their sinking approval ratings sink their chances? Only time will tell.

Written by Staff Reports

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