
Biden’s Backdoor Boost for Big Biz: 1.1M Paroled, Wages Wilt!

President Joe Biden’s borderline lawful “parole” immigration wave is not only safeguarded, but it’s in the Senate’s tentative border management agreement, several sources confirm. In 2023, Biden’s crew allowed around 1.1 million immigrants through the parole back door. The bipartisan protections, hammered out by Sen. James Lankford (R-OK), would be a major win for tycoons and CEOs, overriding four legal challenges that threaten to halt the influx.

The New York Times dubbed Biden’s parole programs a “New Back Door on Immigration” in April 2023. These paroled migrants are seen as a “Golden Opportunity for Employers,” as mentioned in a June 2022 report by the Connecticut Business & Industry Association. An immigration lawyer also highlighted the simplicity of the process for local employers, calling it a “revolution in immigration policy.”

The driving force behind the parole programs is the West Coast investors associated with, a high-pressure lobbying group that advocates for more labor and consumers to boost the stock values of investors. The group, founded by Mark Zuckerberg and other tech-sector billionaires, pushes for more imported labor to maximize profits without investing in workplace machinery.

The influx of paroled migrants has been spotlighted in various industries including hospitality, retail, food services, transportation, and construction. While this benefits employers, it undercuts American workers by offering low-productivity jobs that suppress wages and lead to increased government spending on welfare.

It’s worth noting that the parole programs also presented an opportunity for exploiting immigrant workers to fill jobs that would have been available to American professionals. This directly harms American families, particularly those at the lower end of the economic scale, by displacing better-paid American workers and hindering their job prospects.

Additionally, the parole programs are contentious, with four legal challenges arguing their illegality under the 1996 update to the parole law. Despite this, there is significant support for the parole migration from both Democrats and some GOP politicians. This bipartisan backing seeks to expand parole options for long-term residents without legal status, under the pretext of addressing labor shortages in various sectors.

Furthermore, the advocates for the parole programs conveniently ignore the adverse impact on the countries losing their workforce to the parole programs. Countries like Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Haiti are experiencing brain drain, as professionals and young people leave to seek opportunities in the U.S. This creates a talent shortage and further hampers the development and stability of these nations.

In summary, the Biden administration’s parole programs are a classic case of putting the interests of investors and big businesses ahead of American workers and the well-being of immigrant-sending countries. This politically motivated shift in immigration policy prioritizes corporate profits, disregarding the detrimental effects on both American workers and the countries from which the immigrants originate.


Written by Staff Reports

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