
Biden’s Border Blunder: 68% Demand Crackdown Now!

The recent Harvard CAPS-Harris survey has revealed some shocking news: Americans are more worried about immigration than ever before. In fact, at 35 percent, it has surpassed economic concerns as their primary worry. This just goes to show how the Biden administration’s mishandling of the border crisis has really hit a nerve with the American people.

What’s even more surprising is that a whopping 68 percent of Americans – including a majority of Democrats – want President Biden to crack down on illegal border crossings. Yes, you read that right, even Democrats have had enough of this mess. And if that wasn’t clear enough, 77 percent of Americans are also demanding that President Biden works with Republicans to beef up border security. It’s about time he steps up and takes action to address this national emergency.

Now, it’s no surprise that President Biden’s approval rating in this survey is a measly 42 percent. It’s crystal clear that his lackluster approach to the border crisis is not sitting well with the American people. In fact, it seems like more and more folks are saying, “Biden, we’ve had enough, we want a new president!”

The situation at the southern border is completely out of control. Last month, over 302,000 migrants attempted to cross illegally – a record-breaking number for a single month. It’s an absolute disgrace that this crisis has been allowed to reach such unprecedented levels.

It’s high time someone takes responsibility for this utter failure. The House Homeland Security Committee is finally taking action by voting on impeachment articles against DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. It’s about time someone is held accountable for the chaos and suffering caused by the mishandling of the border crisis.

Chairman Mark Green rightly pointed out that Secretary Mayorkas has abused his power and blatantly disregarded the law. It’s clear that his incompetence is costing American families dearly, and it’s time for him to face the consequences of his actions.

In conclusion, it’s no wonder that Americans are more concerned about immigration than ever before. The Biden administration’s failure to tackle the border crisis has left the American people feeling frustrated and betrayed. Let’s hope that this wake-up call leads to real action and accountability for those responsible for this disastrous state of affairs.

Written by Staff Reports

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