
Biden’s Cash Hoard Outstrips Entire GOP, But Can Money Buy Votes?

President Joe Biden’s fundraising machine continues to roll on, with his campaign and the Democratic National Committee raking in a whopping $71 million in the third quarter of 2023. That’s a staggering 160% more than former President Donald Trump’s fundraising efforts and a mind-blowing 475% more than Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ total.

Despite the persistent problem of inflation, Biden heads into the fourth quarter with a tidy $91 million cash on hand. That’s more money than the entire Republican primary field combined. In fact, it’s the most cash on hand ever for a Democratic candidate at this stage in the election cycle. Say what you will about Joe, but he sure knows how to bring in the big bucks.

Over 1.4 million people have already donated to Biden’s campaign, including 240,000 new donors who didn’t contribute in 2020. It seems there’s no shortage of folks willing to cough up some dough for Sleepy Joe. According to campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez, this quarter’s fundraising success is a testament to the “enthusiasm and support” that Biden and Vice President Harris continue to generate.

Meanwhile, the Democratic National Committee is busy building the necessary infrastructure to secure a victory in 2024, while Republicans struggle to raise money and contend with a divisive primary. It’s clear that Americans understand the importance of next year’s election and are putting their money where their mouths are. Whether you agree with Biden’s policies or not, you have to admit, the man knows how to run a campaign.

It’s impressive to see the massive amount of money pouring into Biden’s campaign, but let’s remember that money doesn’t guarantee success. We’ve seen plenty of well-funded candidates crash and burn. And speaking of crashes, the Biden administration’s handling of the economy and skyrocketing inflation is certainly cause for concern. It’s hard to imagine how the American people can afford four more years of these disastrous policies. But hey, at least Biden has plenty of cash to spend on advertising and fancy consultants. Maybe he should consider using some of that money to actually address the problems facing our country. Just a thought.

Written by Staff Reports

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