
Biden’s Israel Stance Tanks Approval, Most Americans Still Back Our Ally!

As Townhall has been following closely, the Israel-Hamas war has been a major point of contention for Americans. It’s not just about what’s happening in the Middle East, but also about how President Joe Biden is handling the situation. And let’s just say, it’s not looking too good for ol’ Joe. Democrats and young people are hammering him for being too supportive of Israel, while Republicans are still not convinced he’s doing anything right, which has tanked his approval ratings, big time.

Over the weekend, a couple more polls came out, one from The New York Times/Siena College, and they had a lot to say about how Americans are feeling about Israel. The New York Times really escalated the situation, looking into Biden’s disapproval rating for his handling of the conflict, and they caught some heat for their hyperfocus on the matter. But hey, it’s The New York Times, what do you expect?

The poll showed that voters, especially younger Americans, are not happy with the administration’s response to the Israel-Hamas war. There’s also a big split among Americans on how U.S. policy should be handling the conflict. But here’s the kicker, despite the negative feelings towards Israel, the broader electorate seems to be leaning more towards supporting Israel. That’s right, despite the leftist media noise, Americans are still on Israel’s side.

By the way, Newsweek chimed in with a headline reading “It’s Becoming Clear. Israel Could Cost Joe Biden Re-Election”. Well, duh, Newsweek! If the people ain’t happy with how Biden’s handling Israel, you can bet your bottom dollar they ain’t voting for him again.

Oh and get this, the poll also found that TikTok users are even more critical of the administration’s policies towards Israel. But let’s be real, TikTok is not exactly the place to go for reliable news, especially when it comes to anything related to Israel. It’s been a particularly pro-Hamas, anti-Israel platform. So take that with a grain of salt.

And the partisan divide is growing, too. Republicans and white, evangelical Christians are showing overwhelming support for Israel, while the Democrats can’t seem to agree on anything. 

It looks like the American people are still standing strong with our ally in the Middle East. And hey, even if they weren’t, Israel will do what’s right for its people, no matter what the rest of the world says. And that’s something to be admired. Go, Israel!

Written by Staff Reports

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