
Biden’s Labor Pick Teeters: GOP & Dems Doubt Su’s Qualifications

Julie Su, the nominee of President Joe Biden for Secretary of Labor, has been on shaky footing since her brutal confirmation hearing more than a month ago. The nominee has not yet been confirmed by the full Senate, and it appears that she will receive no votes from Republican senators, with the possible exception of Alaska's Senator Lisa Murkowski. Senator Jon Tester of Montana has raised the question of whether the White House will withdraw her nomination, suggesting that even some Democrats may vote against her.

Senator Joe Manchin has stated that he is "nowhere" on Su's nomination and has not committed to supporting her. Other Democrats, including Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema, have yet to state their position. If the White House were to rescind Su's nomination, she would not be the first candidate to do so, as several others have withdrawn before her. President Biden remains committed to Su, and the White House is confident that she will prevail.

However, members of the House, including Republican Representative Kevin Kiley from Su's native state of California, have expressed concern about Su's lack of qualifications. Su has also been criticized for her racist remarks, COVID vaccine mandates, and poor administration of forcibly recruited migrant children. In addition, Su has lied on her record and failed to respond to fundamental questions during her hearing.

Julie Su is manifestly unqualified to serve as Secretary of Labor, and her nomination must be withdrawn immediately. The Biden administration should prioritize candidates with the experience and skills necessary to perform the job duties. Both Republicans and Democrats must unite in opposition to this unqualified nominee, and the White House must acknowledge Su's lack of support and move on to a more qualified candidate. It is time for the Biden administration to prioritize the needs of the American people over partisan politics.

Written by Staff Reports

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