
Biden’s Ultimatum: No GOP in House if They Don’t Fund Gov!

In a classic case of pointing fingers, President Biden has publicly called out House Republicans for their inability to fund the government. He accused them of not doing their jobs and warned that if they continue to let things slide, they should not expect to be reelected. Ouch!

Biden’s harsh words came just days before the deadline to fund the government, adding some extra tension to an already high-stakes situation. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has been struggling to rally his party, particularly a group of lawmakers led by Rep. Matt Gaetz, who have vowed to never vote for a stopgap measure. Talk about drawing a line in the sand!

The president emphasized the importance of funding the government, calling it one of the most basic responsibilities of Congress. He accused House Republicans of reneging on a debt deal that he and McCarthy had supposedly agreed to. Looks like someone may have forgotten to read the fine print!

While House Republicans prepare for a procedural vote on spending bills, the lower chamber has only managed to pass one measure and stumbled on two others due to the inclusion of $300 million in Ukraine funding. McCarthy briefly considered removing the Ukraine money from the bill, but ultimately decided against it. Talk about a sticky situation!

With time running out, McCarthy has promised to bring a stopgap bill to the floor this week. However, there are a few different versions floating around, including one that would lower overall spending, include most of the Secure the Border Act, and create a debt commission. The Senate is also preparing a stopgap bill, but it remains to be seen whether House Republicans will be on board. Will they be able to get their act together and avoid a government shutdown? Only time will tell.

Written by Staff Reports

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