Retailers are ramping up their security measures ahead of Black Friday, the unofficial start of the holiday shopping season. Major retailers like Target, Walgreens, CVS, and Sephora are taking precautions to prevent theft by removing high-value items and replacing them with tester samples. They are also implementing locking cabinets, steel cables, and smart shopping carts with sensors to detect if customers are paying for their items.
The National Retail Federation (NRF) is urging retailers to work with local law enforcement and property managers to ensure a safe shopping environment. However, theft continues to be a concern, particularly in areas like Washington, D.C., where CVS has had to remove items and replace them with framed photos and a buzzer system for employees to retrieve the products. While these security measures may inconvenience customers, retailers are adamant about protecting their merchandise and ensuring a positive shopping experience for their customers.
The NRF estimates that 130.7 million people will shop on Black Friday this year. Retailers are also advised to provide excellent customer service, as attentive employees can deter potential shoplifters. Police Chief Doyne Little recommends that store staff document any theft incidents and take photos to assist in identifying the criminals. In Edinburgh, Indiana, police have already recovered thousands of dollars’ worth of stolen merchandise, and they are preparing for the upcoming Black Friday shopping frenzy.