
Boebert Torches ‘Pelosi-Esque’ Spending Deal in Budget Battle Victory

In a recent spending showdown on Capitol Hill, Republican firebrand Rep. Lauren Boebert didn’t hold back in blasting the bipartisan deal struck by House Speaker Mike Johnson and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. Boebert, known for her no-holds-barred approach, didn’t mince her words as she compared the spending agreement to something that would have been celebrated by former Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

The House passed an additional continuing resolution, with a whopping 314-108 vote in favor of kicking the can further down the road on appropriations deadlines. But over 100 Republicans, including Boebert, opted to stand against the measure. In a scathing statement, Boebert didn’t pull any punches, slamming the resolution as a direct continuation of Pelosi’s inflationary spending and a means of propping up President Biden’s ill-fated policies.

Labeling the deal as “Pelosi-Esque,” Boebert didn’t just stop at drawing the comparison. She accused the spending bill of failing to reel in the Swamp and slash wasteful federal spending. She argued that the continuing resolution not only postpones the necessary spending cuts but also sets the stage for future generations to be burdened with mountains of debt.

Unleashing a barrage of criticism, Boebert characterized the agreement as a slap in the face to everyday Americans feeling the sting of “Bidenomics.” Her unapologetic rhetoric didn’t end there. She boldly claimed that Nancy Pelosi herself would be beaming with pride at the reckless and bloated spending bill that essentially cements federal spending at the levels set during Pelosi’s reign as Speaker.

With the new deadlines for the 12 appropriations bills now set for March 1 and March 8 – a mere week apart – Boebert stands firm in her belief that this deal is just another instance of wasteful spending and political posturing.

Written by Staff Reports

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