
Border Blunder: Biden’s 500 Executive Flops Fail to Fix Crisis

President Joe Biden, also known as the “Border Crisis Commander-in-Chief,” has been up to his old tricks again, folks! In his third year in office, he has once again disappointed immigration restrictionists and left immigrant rights groups scratching their heads in confusion. 

Before he even set foot in the Oval Office, Biden promised to not only undo President Trump’s immigration policies but to create his own legacy. Well, in 2023, he did manage to finally put the kibosh on the Title 42 expulsion policy at the border and outdo Trump with even more executive actions on immigration. But let’s face it, he’s got some convincing to do with the liberal voters in 2024, especially after a little fence-building session down at the southern border. 

The Biden administration’s changes to the US immigration system have been extensive, to say the least. They’ve rescinded Trump’s so-called Muslim ban, canceled funding for border wall projects, tried to pause deportations, and created a task force to reunite immigrant children with their parents. 

Despite rolling back some of Trump’s policies, Biden has had to eat his words after approving more wall construction at the southern border. Even some Democrats are crying foul, with Rep. Joaquin Castro calling it a broken promise and a flip-flop move from Biden.

A recent poll showed that a whopping 63% of folks disapprove of Biden’s approach to immigration, and his approval numbers on the border have plummeted faster than a lead balloon. 

The Biden administration has been touting its plans for immigrants to seek asylum outside the US, but surprise, surprise – they’ve only managed to open a handful of facilities thousands of miles away from the border. 

The Department of Homeland Security announced plans to end the pandemic-era Title 42 policy, which allowed rapid expulsions of migrants. 

So, what’s in store for the Border Crisis Commander-in-Chief in 2024? More of the same, it seems, with the global displacement impacting the Western Hemisphere still causing headaches. 

Written by Staff Reports

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