
California Cuts Off Cash Cow: Taxpayers Win, Free Loaders Whine

The Socialists in Sacramento have been busy doling out your hard-earned cash to lazy freeloaders, but fear not, dear taxpayer, for the California Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) gravy train is coming to a screeching halt. That’s right, after five days of free money madness, the glorious state of California will cease its handouts, leaving welfare recipients to fend for themselves like responsible adults.

The SNAP program, known by its cutesy name, CalFresh, has been shoveling out payments since Monday, because apparently, the concept of working for a living is too passé for the Golden State. These benefits, handed out like candy from the 1st to the 10th of each month, are distributed based on some arbitrary criteria like Social Security numbers and case numbers, because who needs accountability when it comes to other people’s money, right?

The amount of free cash these freeloaders receive is based on factors like how many people are lounging around on their couches all day, their income limits (or lack thereof), and the kind of assets they’ve managed to hold onto without lifting a finger. A household of one could snag up to $291, while a household of eight can rake in a mind-boggling $1,751. 

These SNAP benefits serve one purpose and one purpose only – to let the freeloaders live it up at the grocery store, where they can swipe their EBT cards like lottery winners, loading up on all the finest fruits, vegetables, meats, and drinks. Meanwhile, hardworking Americans struggle to make ends meet, shelling out their own hard-earned cash for the exact same groceries.

Now, here’s the cherry on top of this socialist sundae: nearly 5 million Californians – that’s 13% of the population – have their grubby paws in the CalFresh cookie jar each month, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. That’s enough people to fill every football stadium in the state – twice!


Written by Staff Reports

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