
Carville Critiques Biden on Border, Sees Hope with New Plan

On a show that sounds like it’s named after an Italian dish, Democratic strategist James Carville had some thoughts about President Biden’s handling of the border situation. Carville suggested that Biden got swayed by what he called “idiot left-wingers” at the start of his presidency, causing him to fall a bit behind on fixing the border mess. But fear not, dear viewers, Carville believes there’s still hope to fix the issue and bring some order to this chaos.

Host Chris Cuomo, not to be confused with a tasty Italian treat, wondered why it took Biden so darn long to make a move on immigration. He pointed out that the numbers (we assume he means the border numbers, not math problems) are pretty terrible. He asked Carville if Biden’s efforts are too little too late. Carville, in his Southern drawl, reassured Cuomo that all is not lost. He mentioned a fella named Rep. Colin Allred who apparently has some good ideas about putting these migrants to work instead of just twiddling their thumbs waiting for asylum hearings.

So, according to Carville, Biden made a boo-boo by listening to those “idiot left-wingers” (his words, not ours) initially, but now he can turn things around and make the border situation better. It seems like the key is to let these migrants work and contribute while they’re hanging out in limbo. Maybe this Colin Allred fella is onto something after all. Let’s hope Biden is taking notes and ready to put in the work to fix this mess.

Written by Staff Reports

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