
Cato Institute Sues Biden Team Over Spy Game Secrets!

The Cato Institute, a freedom-loving think tank, is taking legal action against the Biden administration, alleging possible surveillance shenanigans under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). The institute wants to get its hands on records regarding potential FISA violations by the FBI, CIA, and National Security Agency. They believe that these records have been wrongfully held back and are essential for Congress to consider before making any decisions regarding FISA’s reauthorization.

Section 702 of FISA, set to expire on April 19, is at the center of this legal and political kerfuffle. The big question on everyone’s mind is whether the government should be required to obtain warrants before snooping on everyday Americans using this act. This matter is causing quite the commotion on Capitol Hill, with no one having a clue about possible past violations of the act by the snooping agencies.

The Cato Institute has been trying to get their hands on these FISA violation records since last June but has been met with a big, fat nothing. They’re not taking it lying down, though. They’re slapping the administration with a lawsuit and demanding that the records be released by March 29. The institute argues that the public and Congress need this information pronto, especially with the ongoing FISA reauthorization fight in Congress.

While the debate over FISA reauthorization is crossing party lines, things took a spicy turn when national security adviser Jake Sullivan hinted that the Biden administration isn’t keen on requiring warrants to access FISA data on U.S. citizens. This move has raised quite a few eyebrows, and it seems like the administration might need to prepare for a potential override if they veto any warrant requirements.

The Cato Institute believes that FISA has been repeatedly violated by multiple presidential administrations since its inception in 2008. They claim that these violations include searches and surveillance activities targeting various groups engaged in protected First Amendment activities. From snooping on Black Lives Matter members to going on a fishing expedition for political campaign donors, the potential FISA violations seem to be as wild as a rodeo.

Conservative groups are also hopping on the FISA reform bandwagon, alleging that it has been used to spy on former President Donald Trump’s political campaigns, among other alleged abuses. Representatives Andy Biggs and Warren Davidson are throwing their hats in the ring with proposals for amendments and acts that would require warrants or prevent the government from bypassing constitutional protections.

The lawsuit filed by the Cato Institute demands the release of the audit records they’ve been chasing for so long, stating that the public and Congress need this information to judge the effectiveness and integrity of FISA Section 702. They’ve even come out swinging, claiming that the DOJ has been dragging its feet for eight long months, which, according to the institute, violates the deadlines set by the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

With all this legal drama and political wrangling, it looks like the Biden administration will have to get ready for a showdown as the Cato Institute vies for transparency and accountability in the swampy world of FISA surveillance. The Washington Examiner has reached out to the White House and the Department of Justice for their take on this spicy legal tango, so stay tuned, folks!

Written by Staff Reports

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