
Christian Groups Rally Nationwide to Defend Parental Rights and Faith

Christian parental rights organizations recently joined forces to organize prayer rallies in Washington, D.C., and at each of the 50 state capitols. Spearheaded by the Don’t Mess with Our Kids campaign, these rallies aimed to “turn America back to God” while also highlighting the need to shield children from gender ideology.

The campaign, led by the Her Voice Movement, a national Christian women’s prayer network founded by Jenny Donnelly in 2017, is committed to effecting change through prayer. Donnelly stressed the current crisis facing the family unit, emphasizing the nation's need to return to God, as the strength of a nation rests on the strength of its families.

Meg Kilgannon, a senior fellow for Education Studies at the Family Research Council, voiced her support for the movement, underlining the importance of these prayer rallies in inspiring Americans to engage with governmental structures on behalf of children and families. She also emphasized the significance of community and prayer in safeguarding children, families, and the nation.

Supporters of the prayer rallies wore either pink or blue shirts to represent their biological sexes and engaged in worship music at the events. However, some rallies encountered opposition, with counter-rallies organized in certain states. In Raleigh, North Carolina, and Boston, Massachusetts, counter-rallies were held, with protestors expressing their opposition to the Don’t Mess with Our Kids campaign.

This isn't the first instance of such rallies being organized. Last year, a similar rally took place in Sacramento, California, with the California Family Council organizing the gathering in support of parental rights. The Protect Kids California coalition also introduced a series of ballot initiatives to counter left-wing legislation that could undermine parental authority.

Looking forward, the Don’t Mess with Our Kids campaign plans another prayer rally in Washington, D.C., aiming to draw a million Christians in attendance to “cry out for America.” The goal is to empower individuals to effect cultural transformation within their local communities.

In summary, these prayer rallies underscore the commitment of Christian parental rights organizations to safeguard children and families, while also advocating for the importance of returning to God in these challenging times.

Written by Staff Reports

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