
Deck the Halls with Biden Impeachments: Greene’s Yuletide Crusade

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is embracing the holiday spirit by sticking it to the Biden administration in the form of festive Grinch-themed impeachment sweaters and gift wrapping paper. Greene’s online store features the perfect gifts for conservative warriors looking to spread some Christmas cheer and political activism. The wrapping paper showcases a Grinch-green President Biden with the bold words “Impeach Biden” emblazoned across it, available for just $25. And if you want to take your holiday fashion up a notch, Greene offers Grinch-themed sweaters for $60, featuring the slogan “The Grinch Who Stole The Election – Impeach Biden.” It’s the ideal ensemble for any conservative holiday party, and it’s sure to make a statement.


In other news, the U.S. Capitol Page Alumni Association continues to honor the legacy of former Clerk of the House Donnald K. Anderson by placing a memorial marker made of marble from the U.S. Capitol in the Congressional Cemetery. The association’s thoughtful gesture pays tribute to Anderson’s years of service as he ran the House page program from 1987-95. This touching memorial serves as a reminder of the dedication and hard work of those who have served in the halls of Congress. With the hope that the new speaker will revive the program, it’s a fitting tribute to a beloved figure in congressional history.

Meanwhile, the Club for Growth has set its sights on West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice, who leads the race to replace retiring Sen. Joe Manchin. The conservative group has launched a formidable $1 million ad campaign targeting Justice because of his support for former President Donald Trump. The governor’s campaign fired back, accusing the DC-based Club for Growth of attempting to control “America First” Republicans like Trump and Justice. It’s a showdown between establishment interests and those who stand firmly behind the principles of the Trump movement.

As the holidays approach, the political drama heats up in Washington, with conservative lawmakers and organizations making their voices heard in unconventional and spirited ways. Stay tuned for more updates and buzz from the nation’s political epicenter.

Written by Staff Reports

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